Assessing the transparency in the energy market in Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Romania

Aug 4, 2022

The Energy Transparency Index is a tool to assess the information availability in the energy sector, based on EU regulatory requirements and best global practices regarding information disclosure, being calculated on 117 indicators (110 indicators that are applicable to Moldova). The Index also allows conducting international comparison and tracking progress. This is the 2nd international edition to examine energy transparency in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia as countries most advanced in European integration among the Eastern Partnership nations and measures the progress compared to the 1st international edition of the the Index of 2020. This study also covers the EU member Romania, considered an appropriate benchmark for the Energy Community countries.

Community Watchdog.MD conducted an assessment to compare the progress of the Energy Transparency Index 2021 to that of 2020. The Republic of Moldova accumulated 55 points out of 100 (C-), ranking lower than Georgia (61, C), Ukraine (69, C+), countries most advanced in EU integration among Eastern Partnership nations and Romania (73, B-), which was included for the first time as benchmark. All the countries reached medium or good transparency and demonstrated overall progress within 2-9 points compared to the 2020 assessment, proving that gradual energy reforms according to the EU legislative requirements, particularly of the Third Energy Package, and the best European and global practices, bring greater transparency to the sector.

Compared to the last year, the indicators remained grouped into 8 categories as well as the criteria availability, accessibility, usability, and completeness of the information, while only publicly available information was considered. The Data was collected in the period February – March 2022. Though, technically Moldova progressed (+2 points), it is a humble increase due to more transparency in publishing data about markets.

The categories with the best score are “Energy balances statistics (88/100)”, “Reliability and Security (79/100)”, while the worst are “Policy (46/100)”, and “Reporting (31/100)”. Reporting remains the category with lowest level of transparency. Government should pay attention to corporate reporting of energy companies as it has ample space for improvement. Although the majority of licensees published their financial reports, some reports are incomplete or in a not machine-readable format. In particular, this refers to companies in the natural gas sector. The financial reports do not contain information about the description of each component of the company’s balance sheet. Practically all operators have published the network development plans and compliance plans, but there are no reports on the implementation of network development plans.

TSOs should improve data disclosure regarding the measures to balance the system and the costs incurred. Online tools for checking the available capacities and the cost of energy and gas transport services must be developed. Special provisions should be introduced in the legislation, so that ANRE can designate the party responsible for balancing in the Transnistrian region. ANRE should also complete the register of license holders with information about the administrators and beneficial owners of the licensed companies.

Moldova could enhance market transparency by publishing data on switching suppliers and market concentration, and unregulated suppliers’ price mark-ups. Transparency in consumption could be improved by disclosing smart meters penetration data, commercial offers of electricity suppliers, and related price comparison tools. AEE or the legal successor should improve communication with mass media, organize public events to promote information about the benefits and conditions of participation in energy efficiency, audit and energy management programs. Besides, Moldova should considerably improve the transparency of public authorities’ expenditure and the regulatory acts’ impact assessment.

This study was made by DiXi Group experts (Ukraine) in cooperation with partners WatchDog.MD (Moldova), Expert Forum (Romania) and World Experience for Georgia (Georgia). The full list of indicators assessed is available here.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of “Strengthening transparency of the energy sector in the Black Sea region” project. The project is implemented by DiXi Group (Ukraine) in cooperation with Watchog.MD (Moldova), World Experience for Georgia (Georgia), Expert Forum (Romania). Its contents are the sole responsibility of Dixi Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the Black Sea Trust or its partners.

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