Russian Off-Shore Funding of Igor Dodon’s electoral campaign

Russian Off-Shore Funding of Igor Dodon’s electoral campaign

(material based on the public information published by the investigative community RISE Moldova and other mass-media) On September 28, 2016, the investigative community RISE Moldova published an investigation concerning the involvement of the Socialist...

Will Moldovan Parliament approve the Global Magnitsky Act?

The Republic of Moldova may become the next country to enact the Global Magnitsky Act. On July 26th several Moldovan MPs submitted a bill to transpose the Global Magnitsky Act provisions into Moldovan legislation, allowing to hold accountable government...

Statement on the eroding democracy in the Republic of Moldova

Statement on the eroding democracy in the Republic of Moldova

We, the Signatory Organizations, members of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, and of the National Platform of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, and other non-governmental organizations, Understanding the mission and responsibility of...

WatchDog with Sergiu Tofilat /21.03.2018/

WatchDog with Sergiu Tofilat /21.03.2018/

Despre hotărârea Comisiei Electorale Centrale şi dreptul cetăţenilor de a organiza referendumuri legislative, dar și despre opinia Comisiei de la Veneţia privitor la sistemul mixt. Invitaţi: Stefan Gligor, director de programe la CPR Moldova - Centrul de...

Brief report: Moldovan energy sector challenges

Brief report: Moldovan energy sector challenges

Moldova is fully dependent on the Russian Federation for its gas and electricity supplies. This threatens the country’s energy security. 1. Gas sector Moldova’s annual gas consumption is nearly 1 billion m3, with Gazprom the main supplier. The gas interconnector...

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