Sources of Moldova’s resilience to Russian interference

Nov 29, 2023

Sources of Moldova’s resilience to Russian interference 

5 December 2024, Chatham House

Despite Russia’s efforts to sow social divides and increase economical pressure, Moldovan society grows increasingly immune to Russian interference. Recent local elections exposed the ways Russia tried to influence the result and undermine Maia Sandu’s Government. It also showed resolute state response and limitations of the Kremlin’s coercive strategy. In this workshop, we will discuss remaining vulnerabilities and emerging sources of Moldova’s resilience. The event will feature findings from the new expert survey conducted in November jointly with the Watchdog.MD.

The aim of this event is to discuss:

  • How vulnerable is Moldova to Russian malign interference?
  • What policy response is more/less effective?
  • How can western partners assist in strengthening its resilience?  


Registration and coffee from 9:30

10:00 – 10:10 Welcoming remarks 

10:10 – 11:30 Findings from the expert survey: vulnerability assessment and evaluation of resilience strengthening efforts

Key issues:

  • Assessment of resilience across five pillars: human security, social cohesion, economic agility, cognitive resilience and governance 
  • What was Russia’s interference in recent local elections in Moldova, and how did government counter that?
  • How effective is Moldova coping with diminishing foreign interference? 

Confirmed speakers:

Valeriu Pasha, Program Manager, WatchDog.MD

Tatiana Cojocari, Expert, WatchDog.MD

Chair: Orysia Lutsevych, Head, Ukraine Forum, Chatham House 

11:30 – 11:40 Coffee break

11:40– 13:00 Looking forward: how do we build resilience in EU accession countries that are targeted by Russia?

Key issues:

  • Countering Russian information and electoral interference in Moldova and the Balkans
  • What is the level and methods of Russian interference in domestic political affairs in accession countries?
  • How Russia is using far right and anti-systemic parties to threaten status quo – parallels between Moldova and other countries.

Confirmed speakers:

Ana Revenco, Head of StratCom Centre, Former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova

Dimitar Bechev, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Europe and Lecturer, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford.

Chair: Orysia Lutsevych, Head, Ukraine Forum, Chatham House 

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch


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