Survey: Evolution in perceptions of COVID-19 pandemic misinformation and population’s political preferences
The survey was conducted to measure the evolution in perception of misinformation among adult population in the Republic of Moldova. In particular, the degree of acceptance of various conspiracy theories, fake news, propaganda narratives in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the election campaign was measured. In addition, voters’ political preferences and attitudes towards the upcoming presidential election were measured as well.
- Sample size: 1001 people aged 18 and above;
- Sample: stratified, probabilistic, bistadial;
- Stratification criteria: 13 geographical regions that coincide with the former counties, prior to the administrative reform; urban and rural residential environment; 2 sizes of urban areas; 3 types of rural locations based on population number.
- Data collection period: 10-17 October 2020. The interviews were conducted by telephone.
- Reprezentativeness: the sample is representative of the Moldovan adult population, with a maximum error margin of +3.1%
The PowerPoint presentation can be accessed HERE
The sociological survey is carried out upon the request of “WatchDog.MD” Community, as part of the ”Countering propaganda and fostering public resilience against foreign and domestic disinformation” project, implemented with the support of the United States Embassy in the Republic of Moldova. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Embassy or the Government of the United States of America or its partners.