Evaluation of disinformation campaigns financed by Șor and Platon: impact and limited reaction of social platforms

Jul 9, 2024

Author: Andrei Rusu, WatchDog.MD
Co-authors: Andrei Curăraru, Valeriu Pașa

Fugitive oligarchs Ilan Șor and Veaceslav Platon intensified their disinformation campaigns on online platforms. Between June 1 and June 30, 2024, both spent about 55,250 euros promoting disinformation on Facebook. Compared to the period from April 25 to May 24, the two spent 24,250 euros more on promoting disinformation.

META’s limited reaction did not stop the spread of disinformation on Facebook and Instagram. Blocking the pages of Ilan Șor, Marina Tauber, Eugenia Guțul and Alexei Lungu did not deliver any visible results in combating disinformation. It instead increased the number of anonymous pages that sponsor disinformation for enormous sums, against which META is belatedly taking action.

The pages of members of the “Renaissance” Party remain active, and unlike Ilan Șor or Eugenia Guțul, they openly promote manipulative and hate-inciting advertisements from their pages.

The main manipulations promoted are “Moldova is ruled by foreigners,” “Moldova does not negotiate on equal footing with the EU“, “The autumn elections will be rigged,” and “Russia is the strategic partner of Moldova.”

The main purpose of these sponsored campaigns is to sow panic in society, discredit Moldovan European integration process, and whitewash Russia’s image.

Open the analysis here.

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