What are the odds of Vlad Plahotniuc’s sanctions being lifted?
Plahotniuc v Council: Prospects and challenges Vlad Plahotniuc has challenged the Council's decision to impose sanctions, including a visa ban and asset freeze, due to his alleged actions destabilizing Moldova. His challenge is based on two main arguments: first,...
WatchDog with Sergiu Tofilat /21.03.2018/
Despre hotărârea Comisiei Electorale Centrale şi dreptul cetăţenilor de a organiza referendumuri legislative, dar și despre opinia Comisiei de la Veneţia privitor la sistemul mixt. Invitaţi: Stefan Gligor, director de programe la CPR Moldova - Centrul de...
WatchDog with Sergiu Tofilat 27.09.2017